Storybook, WebRTC

In seinem Vortrag stellt Nicklas Knell Storybook vor und erklärt, warum es bei Cosee eingesetzt wird. Gerade bei großen Anwendungen stellt sich das Problem, dass das Projekt aus vielen Komponenten besteht. Dies führt oft dazu, dass man den Überblick verliert und die Gefahr besteht, dass Komponenten oder Elemente doppelt gebaut werden. Um dies zu vermeiden, wird Storybook eingesetzt, ein nützliches Werkzeug zum Auflisten, Interagieren und Entwickeln von Komponenten.

WebRTC once was the posterboy of a new wave of browser applications, which relieved us of hassle-full video conferencing and brought us tools like & Google Hangouts. It is like that character of your favorite TV-Show that is so identified with the role, that they cannot land a new job in any other series. It’s time to break the curse, because WebRTC has so much more to offer than just video conferencing! I’ll invite you to join me on an explorative mission in the land of WebRTC Datachannels and all sorts of crazy networking experiments, that’ll lead us to the land of ‘HTTP via WebRTC’ on a continent called ‘The Decentralized Web’.

Sebastian Golasch works as a Specialist Senior Manager Software Developer at Deutsche Telekom, after some time developing backend applications with Java and PHP he became a citizen of the JavaScript world. Recently he’s getting his hands dirty with Python and Rust. For the last seven years Sebastian tries to improve our lives, working on Deutsche Telekoms Smart Home platform Qivicon.

Cosee sponsored this event with delicious pizzas and drinks as we videotaped one of these early Cosee Tech Talks.

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