Data visualizations with Svelte + D3 at DER SPIEGEL

Creating effective and unique data visualizations for news websites requires sophisticated tools. In fact, Svelte is currently becoming a gold standard tool to build interactive graphics for the world’s newsrooms. Why is that and what is so special about Svelte? Come and let’s go on a behind-the-scenes walk into the machine room of a modern interactive data visualization.

Using historic performance data of german speed skater Claudia Pechstein, DER SPIEGEL created an interactive animation using Svelte and D3.js. Matthias Stahl shows and explains how one of the biggest German newspapers achieves such visualizations in an elegant and performant way. Expect to see some interesting pieces of code 😃

Originally, Matthias started as a biochemist and ran his own company Today he is the deputy head of the graphics desk at DER SPIEGEL. During his journey through biochemistry, bioinformatics, data science and web development, he fell in love with data, statistics, art and design. These are all ingredients for impactful data visualizations. Today, his data visualization projects comprise both web-based interactive graphics and static pieces for print. Data-driven design is just beautiful.

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