Automating a Service Worker with Workbox

“I deployed a service worker - now, I need to buy a new domain” - a well-known joke about the difficulty of implementing your own caching logic. With the arrival of the sixth version of the Workbox library, the trade-off between flexibility and ease of automation of network tasks for PWA is no longer needed. In this talk, Maxim Salnikov will tell you how to get started with Workbox 6, implement typical functionality for an offline web application, and go further by adding your own caching logic.


  • Using Service Worker API - main challenges
  • Back to declarative approach with Workbox
  • Using recipes to automate common tasks
  • Building our own plugin for maximum flexibility
  • Adding Workbox to your app in 5 minutes

Maxim Salnikov is an Oslo-based cloud and web front-end geek who builds web applications since the end of the last century and shares his extensive experience with many aspects of the web platform by speaking/training at developer events around the world and running his own conferences & meetups. He is actively exploring new features of the web and the idea of progressive web applications (PWA) in particular.