Welcome to the community hub for frontend developers and tech companies in RheinMain. We host online and onsite events to foster knowhow transfer of latest web development technologies.
Save the date: Onsite Meetup in Frankfurt on May 6th
HTMx: Building modern web applications without JS
Carson Gross
Full Stack Monorepo Development with Nx
Dominik Huppmann
CSS Speech + CMS accessibility fire chat
Léonie Watson, Hidde de Vries, Moritz Giessmann
SvelteKit — overview roundtrip with maintainers
Simon Holthausen, Dominik Göpel
Embedded UI development using web technologies
Leo Back
CSS Update 2022: container queries, has-selector, subgrids and more
Sven Wolfermann
Rust for curious developers — Memory management, zero-cost abstractions and more
Stefan Baumgartner
Data visualizations with Svelte + D3 at DER SPIEGEL
Matthias Stahl
Effort optimization with Svelte + AWS
Giorgio Boa
JavaScript — A Tool Beyond Forms
Josue Gutierrez
The State Of The Web
Jeremy Keith
Coming soon to CSS
Rachel Andrew
Automating a Service Worker with Workbox
Maxim Salnikov
Bringing Pattern Matching To Typescript
Gabriel Vergnaud
A hell of an icon — usability, icon fonts, SVG & more
Hendrik Degener
Pros and Cons of Utility First CSS, Tailwind
Juan Herrera
Working remotely, but not lonely
Jessica Müller
Content-Projection in Angular
Max Beckenbach
Mobile Vue.js — From PWA to Native
Martin Sotirov
Storybook, WebRTC
Nicklas Knell, Sebastian Golasch
Machine Learning mit TensorflowJS, React Hooks
Oliver Zeigermann, Nils Hartmann
The Universal Serial Web
Sebastian Golasch
Conference-Highlights 2018
Jan Deppisch
CSS Grids, Malvid UI Lib
Sven Wolfermann, Tobias Reich
VueJS Frankfurt Kickoff
Accessibility Special
Boris Diakur
Enterprise-Softwarearchitektur, Automatisierung von UI-Interaktionen
Manfred Steyer, Bernhard Behrendt
Progressive Web Apps von A-Z
Peter Kröner
Frontend Bingewatching
Enterprise Angular, Alexa
René Kriest, Tobias Hartmann
NodeJS, Static page generators
Tobias Hartmann, Jan Deppisch, Patricia Ross, Daniel Fitzpatrick
Virtual Reality im Browser
Carsten Sandtner
CSS Grid Layout, Webpack Tooling
Bastian Heist, Sebastian Werner
Progressive Web und die Probleme von Javascript
Christian Heilmann
Web Animations API
Bastian Heist
CSS Testing, Responsive Workflows & Tabellen
Sascha Egerer, Christian Auth, Jens Grochtdreis
HighPerf Images, AngularJS, Agiles Testing
Walter Ebert, René Kriest, Igor Yaspas
Composition Over Inheritance
Marc Dix
Arbeitsweisen und Workflows im Frontend
Daniel Fitzpatrick
Above the fold content
Walter Ebert
OOCSS/BEM, Responsive Videos, Webcomponents
Tobias Hartmann, Walter Ebert, Carsten Sandtner
Kickoff: DalekJS, Advanced SASS
Marc Dix, Jens Grochtdreis